Thursday, March 19, 2015

Remembering Poe

It is hard watching your pets grow old, when you can remember so vividly the days when they were filled with the exuberance on youth. None more so than Poe and Tiramisu. I remember the chilly spring morning when I cradled a very new born Poe in my hand. And how, when they got bigger, would always break out of their enclosure whilst I was at university and I'd come home to them having fully explored my apartment, hiding behind book shelves, eaten my orchid and chewed my wires.
A few things can be said of Poe, she was stoic, stubborn, tough but very cooperative when it came to being man handled by humans. She had a good memory - there was a time when I'd clean their living area and move the big cage so that there was a gap between it and the corner it's usually in. Poe loved this magical tunnel that opened up, she loved to hide there and use it as a sneaky thorough way to the room beyond. So every time I cleaned, she'd wait patiently by the cage where it touches the wall. I imagine it's like her own gate way to Narnia :) Poe was not fussy about food, it always heartened me to see her persevering with vegetables that others have turned their noses up at. I could see that it's not her favourite thing in the world, but she'd keep munching. She was however, very adverse to green pepper. I once introduced it to them after learning it was a good source of vitamin C, but Poe actively ran away from it, it offended her so much :D
Through the years, whenever I've picked them up, they would fuss and make worried noises and I would say, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you". I would never let anyone hurt you. You are the best Poe, thank you for sharing your life with me.

 Poe, my little lion.
(Sept 2009 - Feb 2015)

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