Friday, February 8, 2013


Long time no post... I got swept away by the relentless waves of life. And now I'm back - hello! Finally got round to finishing this comic I started sometime last year! I tried making them more realistic this time :) I know this is a common guinea pig trait , where they always want the other piggy's food. Sylbie usually tries to drag food away to a hiding place, and Tiramisu has started standing on her veggies so it wouldn't be whipped out from under her!

The piggies are all good, there was some back and forth traveling for them in the beginning of the year between my flat and my folks' place, because of our family alternatively going on holiday... but everything's calmed down now and they have settled back into their corner of my kitchen :) Staying with my folks seem to have made them more tame, especially Sylbie, who is usually very skittish. She runs towards my hand now! (possibly because my Mom always presented them with hands full of food...) I've been really enjoying her more curious attitude towards me. Sometimes when I stroke her she relaxes completely and flops down like a water balloon :D its so cute!

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